Grace Longino Cox is a name that has great significance to the history of the Sam Houston Museum complex. Grace contributed to the preservation of this important landmark by sharing her talents and passions.. One of those passions was gardening and as a result, these wonderful Mexican Plum trees were planted.
Interesting Facts about Mexican Plum trees
Texas Wild Edible Plants-Mexican Plum Tree
The larger of the two trees can be found next to the Kitchen building, the other tree is in front of the Bear Bend Cabin stone fireplace. Peter, the main groundskeeper, believes the oldest tree that Grace planted is approximately 45 years old.
Inside view of the Houston's Kitchen & A hook that would have been used to dry plants from their garden |
Bear Bend Cabin Where the men and families stayed on the San Jacinto river when they were hunting Bear Inside views of Bear Bend Cabin |
It was very common for families of this era to use plums in desert making. I came across this recipe for Plum Pudding from January, 14, 1880. I may have to give it a try someday.
Boil and mash well one pound potatoes, one-half pound carrots; when cold and one pound each of flour, currants, and raisins, three-quarters pound raw sugar, eight ounces suet, a little salt, and a nutmeg grated; any other spices and candied peels may be added if approved. Fill your mold very full, tie up closely, and boil four hours; if boiled six hours, the pudding is richer and semi-transparent, and will keep two or three months.
More recipes Other 1800's recipes and Food Timeline of 1800's,
UR-TURN: Feel free to comment or share a favorite childhood memory of either picking fruit or a family recipe.
Until Next Time.
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