Thursday, April 2, 2015

SHSU Botanical Research- The Mall Area, Alumni Garden, Presidents Tree, Ravens Call Planter SELF-GUIDED TOUR #6

FITNESS WALKING MAP - Between .05 & 1.0 Mile

The SHSU Mall area is another one of those places on campus that is full of fun exploration.

The Blatchley Bell Tower/Clock are fairly recent additions to the University grounds.  In April 2005, the Garden Clock and Tower were finished.  At noon you can hear the clock chime to the tune of "Hey Jude.". Also wonder why the clock's face has IIII and not IV?

Mall Area Fountain

Bell Tower & Clock


Next to the Bell Tower is this  memorial marker for
An unfortunate victim of a violent crime
 who was shot and killed.


Raven's Call is another fairly recent yearly tradition that pays tribute to Lost Bearkats and is held in this area of the Mall.

The Alumni Garden is a area designated to honoring Alumni and a way to raise funds for the University Alumni Association.

The Presidents Tree  " a beautiful Saucer Magnolia that was planted in 1912 following the construction of the new state residence that the Estill family would occupy. The tree stands as a reminder of the history and legacy of the University."

While continuing to walk down the pathway, you will see a 20 ft. Statue of Sam Houston between the Lowman Student Center and the Smith-Hutton which was a $40,000 gift from Ron Mafrige, and sculpted by artist, David Adickes, who also made the 60 ft. Statue of Sam Houston on the I-45 access road.

Ron Mafrige
The Tour continues between markers #7 & #8.
Until Next Time.




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